Courses offered by CAMIPM Faculty
Several MRI and Optical imaging courses are offered across campus by faculty and staff of the Center. They include seminar and full-semester courses. Several include a lab component in Center technologies. The courses are typically cross listed across Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics (BMB), Bioengineering (BE), and Physics (PHYS), at Penn’s Medical, Engineering, and Arts & Sciences Schools. The Center’s Executive Committee and faculty coordinate an effective training curriculum with proactive planning and significant effort in order to achieve two goals. Firstly, they target graduate students across the university in 3 three schools (Medicine, Engineering, Arts & Sciences) so that the student may both receive formal training in Center technologies as well as fulfill their elective requirements towards their PhD degree. Secondly, they offer the Center personnel an invaluable experience in teaching and mentoring of the next generation of scientists, medical doctors, and industry leaders. The following is a list of the 7 courses currently on offer by the center: