External Advisory Committee

The External Advisory Committee consists of senior researchers from outside institutions who will meet yearly at the CAMIPM site to advise the Executive Committee on the scientific direction of the Center. The Committee will provide constructive criticism of all new and existing projects and provide guidance on the strategic direction of the Center in fulfilling its mission. We anticipate that some members of this committee will be selected from other NCBIB Directors and all members will be selected within these particular scientific backgrounds:

(i) Extensive experience in advanced MRI methods and their applications in biomedicine particularly in neuro-, cardiac- and cancer-imaging.

(ii) Quantitative MRI methods for the study of tissue structure and metabolism in various organ systems including skeletal, neurologic and peripheral vascular.

(iii) CEST MRI methods and processing pipeline technologies.

(iv) QSM-based research with emphasis on the development and translation to the clinics.

(v) Research focus on preventing recurrences after cancer surgery.

(vi) Non-invasive imaging of myocardial ischemia progression and salvage, innovative technologies for imaging arrhythmias, and MR-guided interventions for heart disease.

(vii) Statistical and machine learning data analysis strategies in a wide range of clinical and pre-clinical scenarios.

(viii) Biomedical optics, especially for functional imaging and monitoring of living tissues (brain, breast, muscle, spine, placenta) with diffuse light, photodynamic therapy, and therapy/treatment monitoring broadly defined with biophotonics.

The 2022 External Advisory Board Members are as follows:

Silvia Mangia, PhD, Professor, Department of Radiology at the University of Minnesota.

Timothy P.L. Roberts, PhD, is Vice-chair of Research for the Department of Radiology and the Oberkircher Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Radiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 

Vivek Srinivasan, PhD, Member of the Faculty, Department of Radiology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

Yi Wang, PhD, Professor at the Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering, The Faculty Distinguished Professor, Director of MRI Research Institute Radiology, at Weill Cornell Medicine.