BreastPro – Rapid Bilateral Breast Imaging

MRI pulse sequences and analysis software for simultaneous 3D bilateral back-projection imaging of dynamic contrast-enhancement in the breasts.


This package includes a 3D simultaneous bilateral back-projection sequence for dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging of the breasts. Data from both breasts are acquired simultaneously using a 3D hybrid sequence in which data are acquired radially in-plane and the slices are phase-encoded. The signal from each breast is saved separately and residual slice aliasing from one volume into the other is removed using SENSE reconstruction. An effective temporal resolution of 15 seconds for both breast volumes is achieved with high spatial resolution for accurate architectural interpretation.


(1) H. K. Song, L. Dougherty, M. D. Schnall, Simultaneous acquisition of multiple resolution images for dynamic contrast imaging of the breast, Magn. Reson. Med., 46:503-509 (2001).

(2) H. K. Song, L. Dougherty, Dynamic MRI with projection reconstruction and KWIC processing for simultaneous high spatial and temporal resolutions, Magn. Reson. Med., 52:815-824 (2004).


For information on obtaining the BREASTPRO software, or the bilateral imaging pulse sequence, please contact Dr. Larry Dougherty at: