Mission and History

The Center for Cognitive Therapy adheres to the philosophy that the patient's well being is the top priority. Our therapists utilize state-of-the-art methods of cognitive therapy, one of the most extensively researched systems of psychotherapy.

A significant body of research overwhelmingly supports the effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy for a wide range of problems, most notably major depression, and anxiety disorders (including phobias, panic disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder). In addition, a growing number of studies is addressing the clinical power of cognitive therapy in treating such problems as relationship difficulties, eating disorders, bipolar disorder (with medication), obsessive compulsive disorder (with medication), personality disorders, and others. Our senior therapists actively publish, and are at the forefront of efforts to expand, improve, and teach the collective methods that comprise cognitive therapy.

The therapists of the Center for Cognitive Therapy recognize that the decision to seek therapy is one of the most important decisions their patients have ever made. Our therapists understand that patients are looking for real solutions to their problems, that they want to feel improvements as soon as reasonably possible, and that they want their therapeutic benefits to last. Our therapists know that patients are investing their time, energy, money, and trust in the process of pursuing cognitive therapy, and that they have a right to want something significant in return for this investment. Our therapists gladly accept this responsibility, and therefore help their patients to address their problems with a serious-minded, hopeful, engaging, and educational approach.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call the intake line at (215) 898-4506, and leave a message stating your interest in starting cognitive therapy and/or asking your questions pertinent to making a decision about getting started. Dr. Newman, Rebecca Keiser, or another administrative assistant will return your call in order to field your questions and/or get you set up for your initial diagnostic evaluation.

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