The Center for Cognitive Therapy provides an active, directive, problem-focused outpatient therapy for a variety of clinical concerns, including mood disorders, anxiety and panic, life stressors, and many other issues. Patients will meet with a caring, respectful professional who will listen to their concerns, conceptualize the problem, and assist them in generating solutions and in building better psychological skills. The short-term and long-term benefits of cognitive therapy (also known as cognitive-behavioral therapy) have been strongly supported by a wealth of research.
Originally founded by psychiatrist, Aaron T. Beck, MD, the Center for Cognitive Therapy is a leading tertiary care facility, conducting therapy, education and clinical training, and research. The caring and knowledgeable therapists of the Center for Cognitive Therapy are committed to providing their patients with treatment that is effective, time-efficient, and durable.
Clinical Team
The therapists of the Center for Cognitive Therapy recognize that the decision to seek therapy is one of the most important decisions their patients have ever made. Our therapists understand that patients are looking for real solutions to their problems, that they want to feel improvements as soon as reasonably possible, and that they want their therapeutic benefits to last.
Our therapists know that patients are investing their time, energy, money, and trust in the process of pursuing Cognitive Therapy, and that they have a right to want something significant in return for this investment. Our therapists gladly accept this responsibility, and therefore help their patients to address their problems with a serious-minded, hopeful, engaging, and educational approach.
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