Resources for Patients and Families

Take a look at these resources for patients and families as recommended by the Center for Cognitive Therapy.

Recommended Links

Recommended Books

Beck, J.S. (2008). The complete Beck Diet for Life. New York: Oxmoor House.

Bieling, P. J., & Antony, M. M.(2003). Ending the depression cycle. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Burns, D. (1990). The Feeling Good Handbook. New York: Plume.

Chansky, T. (2004). Freeing your child from anxiety. New York: Broadway Books.

Ellis, T., & Newman, C.F. (1996). Choosing to live: How to defeat suicide through cognitive therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Foa, E.B., & Wilson, R. (1991). Stop obsessing!: How to overcome your obsessions and compulsions. New York: Bantam Books.

Greenberger, D., & Padesky, C.A. (1995). Mind over mood: A cognitive therapy treatment manual for clients. New York: Guilford.

Leahy, R. L. (2009). Anxiety free: Unravel your fears before they unravel you. New York: Hay House.

Markman, H., Stanley, S., & Blumberg, S.L. (1994). Fighting for your marriage: Positive steps for preventing divorce and preserving a lasting love. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Mason, P.T., & Kreger, R. (1998). Stop walking on eggshells: Taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.

Miklowitz, D. (2002). The bipolar survival guide: What you and your family need to know. New York: Guilford.

Sokol, L. & Fox, M.G. (2009). Think confident, be confident: A four-step program to eliminate doubt and achieve lifelong self-esteem. New York: Perigee.

Tafrate, R., & Kassinove, H. (2009). Anger management for everyone: Seven proven ways to control anger and live a happier life. Atascadero, CA: Impact Publishers.

Van Niekerk, J. (2009). Coping with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A step-by-step guide using the latest CBT techniques. Oxford, England: Oneworld.

Wilhelm, S. (2006). Feeling good about the way you look: A program for overcoming body image problems. New York: Guilford.

Wright, J.H., & Basco, M.R. (2001). Getting your life back: The complete guide to recovery from depression. New York: Free Press.

Young, J. E., & Klosko, J. (1995). Reinventing your life. New York: Dutton.

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