If you are considering using our core, you should start by contacting Andrea Stout, Jasmine Zhao, or AJ Lucy directly to discuss the microscopy needs of your project. For all scanning electron microscopy (SEM) services, contact Yuri Veklich.

The CDB Microscopy Core uses Agilent's iLab for scheduling equipment, requesting services, and billing.  All core users will need to register for an iLab login and provide the appropriate payment information before services may be rendered. Instructions for registration and using iLab to schedule equipment or request core services may be found here. Important details about the setup process are described below.  If you are working in a CHOP or other non UPenn lab, scroll down to the bottom of the page for your instructions.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ALL USERS: You will only be able to view the scheduling calendars for instruments on which you have been trained.   

Account setup - Penn researchers

Set up your payment information

Users from Penn labs must have access to a valid 26-digit budget code in CAMS in order to schedule equipment or request services.  If you are working in a lab that's part of the School of Medicine or School of Arts and Sciences, you can follow the instructions for requesting access in CAMS here.  In CAMS, our core's full name is the CDB Microscopy Core and our short name is MCS. 

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCHERS: Ask your PI to contact the SEAS purchasing office (email is directly to verify the account to be charged and to request CAMS access to a budget code on your behalf.

Register for an iLab account using your PennKey
  1. Navigate to the core's iLab page:
  2. In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen select the ‘Register using UPenn Credentials’ option
  3. You will be directed to an authentication page where you will need to enter your PennKey username and password.
  4. Once you have entered your credentials, click the ‘Login’ button.
  5. You will be directed to an iLab Registration page where you will need to select your PI/Lab and verify your contact information.
  6. Once your registration has been submitted, your PI will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in iLab.  They will need to approve your membership. Y
  7. After your business office approves CAMS access to spend in our core, your budget code(s) will show up as a payment method in iLab.

Account setup - CHOP and other non-Penn organizations

Set up payment information

Users from CHOP, Wistar, other academic institutions, or corporate entities must provide a standing purchase order (PO) number and a purchase order form to the core before any services can be provided.   Please DO NOT upload POs into iLab yourself -- email a PDF of the PO form to Andrea Stout (

Register in iLab
  1. Complete the registration form on the sign-up page. If you are a CHOP researcher, be sure to use your CHOP email address.
  2. Receive a Welcome Email from iLab (typically within one business day) with login credentials.