Reporting Offices
Biomedical Graduate Studies (BGS)
Biomedical Graduate Studies (BGS), established in 1984, serves as the academic home within the University of Pennsylvania for more than 600 graduate students pursuing a PhD in the basic biomedical sciences. BGS oversees and administers all aspects of the training of PhD candidates in biomedical science and assures the continued high quality of the student body and their training experience. The program is organized into seven graduate groups: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Genomics and Computational Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, and Pharmacological Sciences.
Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP)
Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP), established in 1997, is recognized as the national model for postdoctoral training, and presents outstanding programs for the training and career development of postdoctoral appointees in the biomedical sciences. In addition to the many administrative services provided by BPP, this office presents career skills workshops and bioethical training, provides support for postdoctoral recruitment, and organizes an annual postdoctoral research symposium.
Combined Degree & Physician Scholar Programs
The Combined Degree & Physician Scholar Programs office oversees the MD-PhD program, which was established in 1958 and is now one of the largest, oldest and most respected Medical Scientist Training Programs in the country. In addition to administering the MD-PhD program, the Combined Degree and Physician Scholar Programs Office works closely with other offices in the School of Medicine to provide support to MD-Masters students. The office also serves as a resource for medical students who wish to engage in elective research through year-out programs or summer research.
Master's & Certificate Programs
The Master's & Certificate Programs Office at The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) was established in 2002. Its mission is to provide a unified administrative oversight function for the various master's degree programs in PSOM, to ensure high academic standards with respect to admissions and degree requirements, as well as to support appropriate administrative and financial management. OMP reviews admissions criteria and curriculum matters, confirms that degree candidates have completed all program requirements, and conducts regular formal reviews of the programs.
Office of Clinical Research (OCR)
The Office of Clinical Research (OCR) is a central office in the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) designed to support the management and conduct of clinical research while promoting compliance. This is accomplished through standardizing the approach to clinical research across the School’s various research centers and departments, and supporting investigative teams through regulatory and operational assistance, and enhancements in study management and oversight.