Translational Models of Tissue Repair and Regeneration
VA RR&D I01 RX001321
PI: Robert Mauck
Title: Bioactive Injectable Implants for Functional Intervertebral Disc Regeneration
Time Period: 08/01/14 – 07/31/23
The major goal of this project is to develop a hydrogel-based therapeutic for restoration of disc function in early stages disc degeneration. The project involves the development of a large animal model of disc degeneration (in the goat), followed by injection of stem cells using a hydrogel carrier. The hydrogel in this instance is a gelatin, chitosan, teleostan mixture that gels upon mixing. The proposal also includes delivery of agents that quell the inflammatory response. Major outcomes are disc biology, biochemistry, and mechanics with different treatment combinations.
VA RR&D I01 RX002274
PIs: Robert Mauck and Harvey Smith
Title: Tissue Engineered Total Disc Replacement in a Large Animal Model
Time Period: 04/01/17-12/31/2025
The major goal of this project is to evaluate the functional restoration of intervertebral disc function in the cervical spine after replacement with a tissue engineered total disc replacement in a large animal (goat model).
I01 RX003375
PIs: Robert Mauck and David Steinberg
Title: Knee Joint Resurfacing with Anatomic Tissue Engineered Osteochondral Implants
Time Period: 09/2020 – 07/2024
The goal of this Merit Award is to engineer and grow large osteochondral implants for resurfacing the femoral condyle of the knee in a large animal model, and to carry out sophisticated outcomes related to tissue structure function, and joint motion.