Academic Resources

Success as a Graduate Student

Research Poster Day
Credit: NCI Image Library

Here are several articles and resources that can assist you in your professional development and help you meet with success in your career.

Graduate Student Fellowships

If you are interested in pursuing a career in academia, it is highly encouraged that you pursue grant opportunities during your training. One thing to keep in mind is that a Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) fellowship is considered a grant. As such, there are some restrictions regarding non-NIH awards. Before you apply for outside funding, please discuss with your PI, your Training Director, or the NIH ethics office to make sure that you stay within the NIH ethics guidelines for trainees. Penn Biomedical Graduate Studies students have had success in obtaining the following grants/fellowships.

Additional Training Opportunities at the NIH

Students at poster session
Credit: NCI Image Library

In addition to the training offices, there are a multitude of resources available to you at the NIH.

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) also provides resources in computational molecular biology, health data standards, and human genome resources.

Post-doctoral Research Opportunities

It is never too early to start thinking about your next step. We have provided links to several resources that may be useful in obtaining a postdoc position.

If you are looking for a postdoc at NIH, consider the list of open postdoc positions on the OITE website. Additionally, each institute will list their open positions on their training websites. For positions at other institutions, you may want to consider jobs boards at large organizations, such as the National Postdoctoral Association, Science Careers, and Nature Careers websites.