
General resources for students and faculty
Student organizations
  • GLIA: NGG's Graduate-Led Initiatives and Activities Group, which also sponsors Know Your Mind.
  • GAPSA: Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.
  • BGSA: Biomedical Graduate Student Association.
  • PGWise: Penn Graduate Women in Science & Engineering (PGWISE).
  • PSPDG: Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group.
  • LTBGS: A group for LGBTQIA students in BGS.
  • EEJust: Ernest E. Just Biomedical Society, which fosters the professional development of BGS students from populations that are traditionally underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
Grant-funding resources
Neuroscience institutes, centers, and programs at Penn
Confidential resources for information, counseling, and support

The following University resources are available to members of the University community who seek information and counseling about University policies on sexual harassment, standards of behavior, informal and formal mechanisms for resolving complaints and resources for complainants and respondents. These resource offices are also available to assist members of the University community with making an informal or formal complaint. Note that the University has a strong non-retaliation policy that will protect students who use these any other avenues to file complaints.

The resources listed below are considered confidential, which means that the information shared with these resources generally will be held in confidence, consistent with the University’s obligation to address complaints of sexual harassment, unless the person sharing the information gives his or her consent to the disclosure of that information. The commitment to confidentiality does not preclude the sharing of information among responsible University administrators as needed, including to keep members of the University community safe.

Other places to get help and information
External links