Clinical Postdoctoral Position
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Preference will be given applications received by December 8th, 2023
The Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety (CTSA) in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship starting fall 2023.
Postdoctoral fellows will join an expert team of OCD, trauma, & anxiety-focused researchers and clinicians for a two-year, full-time, clinical training. The CTSA is an internationally renowned clinical and research facility, directed by Lily Brown, Ph.D. that offers treatment for PTSD, OCD, and anxiety disorders. The CTSA provides treatment for patients of all ages, thus applicants interested in working with children, adolescents, or adults are encouraged to apply.
Additional information about the CTSA is available at the CTSA Website.
You may view the CTSA Training Video to learn more about our training programs.
You can read more about the Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs at the University of Pennsylvania here, including information about benefits and policies.
Responsibilities: Approximately 65% (25 hours per week) of the postdoctoral trainee's time will be devoted to the direct provision of clinical services. First year responsibilities include delivering individual and group therapy, conducting diagnostic interviews, and participating in clinical roles on treatment studies. Second year opportunities add the possibility to provide CBT supervision for psychiatry residents. There are potential opportunities for research involvement, including preparation of scholarly publications and presenting at national conferences depending on the candidates' experience and professional interests. Pending funding, we are expecting that we might also have a position available for 100% research funding and are receiving applications for consideration of this opportunity.
Training: Postdoctoral trainee will attend intensive workshops in the delivery of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD and Exposure and Response Therapy for OCD. As they gain experience in delivering these protocols. Postdoc fellows will gain significant experience in the delivery of exposure-based CBT protocols for the full spectrum of anxiety disorders. Postdocs will additionally attend trainings offered by CTSA faculty throughout the academic year.
Supervision: Postdocs receive two hours of individual supervision and two hours of group supervision, which fulfills the licensure requirements for Pennsylvania.
Eligibility: Applicants must have completed an APA accredited doctoral program in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D./Psy.D.) as well as an APA accredited internship. The successful applicant will have clinical experience and training in the delivery of empirically supported treatments and assessment of anxiety disorders, OCD and/or PTSD. Additionally, candidates will have demonstrated excellent qualifications in education, clinical care, and have a familiarity with clinical research. The University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, thus women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Benefits: The University of Pennsylvania offers a competitive stipend and benefits package for postdoctoral fellows, which includes university-provided health insurance, and funding for professional development (e.g. conference attendance). For information about benefits and policies can be found at The Penn Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs Website.
To apply, please complete the application below and upload your CV and cover letter, and two letters of recommendation (at least 1 from a clinical supervisor).
Should you have any questions, please contact the Director of Postdoctoral Training, Jeremy Tyler Psy.D. at
Preference will be given applications received by December 8th, 2023
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