Certified PE Trainers
This directory lists Certified PE Trainers.
In order to become a Certified PE Trainer, individuals must complete a thorough course of training provided by the CTSA that includes:
- Completion of the 4 day Intensive Workshop in Prolonged Exposure Therapy
- Completion of PE Consultation (at least two full PE cases under a certified PE consultant)
- Recommendation of the certified PE Consultant to certify the therapist
- Completion of at least five full PE cases after certification as a PE Therapist
- Completion of the 5 day PE Consultant Workshop
- Completion of at least 15 full PE cases after certification as a PE Consultant
- Observation of two Intensive Workshops in Prolonged Exposure Therapy conducted by certified PE Trainers
- Completion of the 3 day PE Trainer’s Workshop
To request a PE training for your agency or organization, you can contact Dr. Sandy Capaldi directly or contact one of our certified PE Trainers listed below.
CTSA Certified PE Trainers
(listed alphabetically)
Anne Bailliu, MSW, RSW
Clinical Social Worker / Travailleuse Sociale Clinicienne
301-359 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON, K2P 0R6
tel : 613-558-5847
Kimberly Barragan, LCSW, DSW
Ten Ten Therapy
E: Kimberly@tententherapy.com
W: www.tententherapy.com
P: (314) 312-2781
Maria Bragesjö, PhD, M.S., Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Psychotherapist
Traumaprogrammet, Psykiatri Sydväst
P: +46(0)8123 804 45
E: maria.bragesjo@ki.se
W: https://www.psykiatrisydvast.se/vard-hos-oss/oppenvard/traumaprogrammet/
W: https://rucklab.com
*In-person and telehealth. Sees adults and older adults
Dr. Andreas Brandstetter
Psychiatrische Klinik Lüneburg Am Wienerbuetteler Weg 1, 21339 Lueneburg, Germany
P: +49 4131 600
E: andreas.brandstetter@pk.lueneburg.de
*In-person only. Sees adults, older adults, and veterans.
Marc MH Burlon M.D.
Prolonged Exposure Deutschland
Karstenstraße 7a22587 Hamburg
P: 01724670604
Christopher Conley MSW, RSW
Stony Creek, Ontario, Canada
E: drchristopherconley@gmail.com
Brad DeLong, MPS, LPCC, LADC
North Memorial Hospital
3366 Oakdale Ave. N.
Suite 315
Robbinsdale, MN 55422
E: bradly.delong@northmemorial.com
W: https://northmemorial.com/specialty/mental-health/
P: 763-581-5388
Hanna Dimbodius, Lic Psychologist, M.Sc,
KriTra Kris- & Traumapsykologi AB
Ångpannegatan 4
417 05 Göteborg
Dr. Gordana Eljdupovic, C. Psych. (psychologist)
OSI Clinic; 1145 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7K4, Canada
*Fluent in English, Serbian, Croatian
Chris Enns, MSW, RSW
Operational Stress Injury Clinic
2109 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(204) 831-3426
Diana Fabian, licensed psychotherapist
Nygatan 2
434 30 Kungsbacka
mobil: 0708-198734
Brooke Fina, MSW
Associate Professor – Research
UT Health San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Dr
San Antonio, TX 78229
P: 917-715-5589
E: Fina@uthscsa.edu
W: http://uthscsa.edu
Gerry Grace Ph.D, M.Div
P: 210-413-6343
E: gergrace12@gmail.com
Stephanie Hamski, LPC
501 Belle Hall Pkwy, Suite 202
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Tina Haugen
St. Olavs hospital
Nidaros DPS
Regional enhet for traumebehandling
Dirk Hermans, Ph.D.
KU Leuven, Tiensestraat 102, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
P: 0032-16-32.59.63
E: dirk.hermans@kuleuven.be
W: https://ppw.kuleuven.be/clep/people/00010521
*In-person and telehealth. Sees adults and older adults (65+)
Dr. Sonya Jacques, D.Psy.
OSI Clinic in Quebec- OSI Clinic CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
6295, boul. de l'Ormière, Québec (Qc), Canada
P: 581-999-4332
E: sonya.jacques.ciussscn@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Bo Søndergaard Jensen
Specialist i Psykoterapi Voksne
+45 21262715
Klinik for PTSD og Angst
Enhed for Veteraner
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 175, indgang K
8210 Århus N
Rafael Kichic, PhD
Address: 1475 Juramento, Suite 608, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro de Ansiedad y Trastornos relacionados (CEAN)
Tracey Lichner, PhD, LP
Private Practice, Minneapolis, MN
E: TkLichner@outlook.com
W: TraceyLichnerPhD.com
Dr. Megan McElheran, Psy.D.
630, 999 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2R1J5
Thomas J. Patterson, PsyD | MAJ, MS |
Director, Clinical Psychology Internship Program |
Lane Chief, DBH GME |
Licensed Clinical Psychologist |
Madigan Army Medical Center |
253-968-6041 |
David Paul, Ph.D., R. Psych.
The Centre for Posttraumatic Stress and Anxiety Treatment
#302, 11611 107 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
T5H 0P9
P: 780-800-5585
E: david.paul@cpsat.ca
W: www.cpsat.ca
Becky J. Prestwood, TX LCSW-S; TX LSOTP
Clinical Training Branch (CTB) SW Instructor/ Course Manager
Division of Behavioral Health Sciences (DBHS),
Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE)
San Antonio, TX
(210) 284-5583
Dr. Maya Roth, C.Psych.
St. Joseph's Operational Stress Injury Clinic - Greater Toronto Site
5000 Yonge Street, Suite 1401
Toronto, ON, M2N 7E9
P: 1-888-237-6967 ext 45866
E: maya.roth@sjhc.london.on.ca
Dorit Saberi, Ph.D
Clinical Director
Safe Harbor Trauma Recovery Center, Harbor UCL
P: 310-569-8225
E: mynaja@yahoo.com
*Telehealth only. Sees ages 13 and older, active duty military, and veterans
Valerie Scott, Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Trisha M. Stewart, MSW, LCSW
Colorado Solutions, LLC
16307 Sonoma Park, Ste 15
Edmond, Oklahoma 73013
Email: trisha.stewart@coloradosolutions.net
Phone: 405-590-5819
Roy John Sutherland, PhD, ABPP, LADC, MHA
Vice President of Addiction Services, Nystrom & Associates
1900 Silver Lake Rd NW
Unit 110,
New Brighton, MN 55112
P: 651-478-5256 x1132
E: rsutherland@nystromcounseling.com
W: https://www.nystromcounseling.com/
Marie Svensson, chartered Clinical Psychologist, Specialist in clinical psychology
E: tomariesvensson@yahoo.com
Michele Todd, PhD., C.Psych.
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program- The Royal. Ottawa, Ontario
E: Michele.todd@theroyal.ca
Darryl Wade, PhD
Darryl Wade Psychology
165 Drummond St
Carlton VIC 3053 Australia
P: +61 3 9482 4015
E: darryl@darrylwade.com.au
Craig Woodworth, PsyD, ABPP
Dept. Of Behavioral Health, Brooke Army Medical Center
3551 Roger Brooke Dr, San Antonio TX, 78217
P: 210-539-1409
E: craig.a.woodworth.civ@health.mil
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