Symposium on Analytical Ultracentrifugation

The modern applications of analytical ultracentrifugation will be highlighted with a morning introductory workshop and an afternoon symposium at the Perelman School of Medicine.

Sponsored by:
Johnson Foundation Biophysical & Structural Biology Core Facilities, The Institute for Structural Biology, and the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, with kind support from Beckman-Coulter

Wednesday February 21st, 2024

Campus of The University of Pennsylvania

Smilow Center for Translational Medicine Auditorium | Civic Center Blvd. Philadelphia 19104
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    • Ultrascan Data Analysis Workshop with Dr. Borries Demeler and Dr. Amy Henrickson 
  • 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
    • Lunch and Registration
  • 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
    • Symposium 

Lunch Provided
Registration Required, No Fees

Register here

Contact Kushol






Morning | UltrascanIII Workshop

8:00 AM Registration Begins; Continental Breakfast   Smilow Atrium

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Borries Demeler and Amy Henrickson

Morning Workshop - Advances in AUC:

1. Introduction

2. GMP integration of the Optima AUC - Automatic data acquisition, analysis and reporting with UltraScan

3. Multi-wavelength AUC - Advances in interaction analysis for hetero-associating systems

(15 minute coffee break at 10AM in Smilow Atrium)

Smilow Auditorium

Afternoon | Symposium

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



Smilow Atrium

1:00 PM - 1:40 PM

Amy Henrickson (Beckman-Coulter)

AAV Analysis by Multiwavelength AUC

Smilow Auditorium

1:40 PM - 2:20 PM

Lake Paul (BioAnalysis)

Advances in cGMP AUC

Smilow Auditorium

2:20 PM - 3:00 PM

Taylor Devlin (The Johns Hopkins University)

HullRad: Fast Calculations of Hydrodynamic Properties

Smilow Auditorium

3:00 PM - 3:10 PM



3:10 PM - 3:50 PM

Peter Schuck (NIH)

Synergy of AUC with other biophysical techniques in the study of SARS-CoV-2 assembly

Smilow Auditorium

3:50 PM - 4:30 PM

Borries Demeler (University of Lethbridge)

The UltraScan Toolbox for Gene Therapy and Vaccines:
1. AAV quantification with the multi-wavelength ABDE method
2. LNP analysis using density matching and multi-wavelength AUC

Smilow Auditorium

4:30 PM

Event Concludes


Contact | Dr. Gupta will be your host for the day. Contact at 267-259-0082 (cell) if you encounter any issues and need assistance.

Public Transit | If you are arriving by regional rail, the Penn Medicine stop is the closest to the day’s events. If subway, the Green Line Trolley to 37th and Spruce would be the closest stop.

Parking | These indoor parking garages are closest to where we will be for the day –

Location | The event will be located in the Smilow Commons and Arthur H Rubenstein Auditorium in the Smilow Center for Translational Research (3400 Civic Center Blvd), which is located in the precinct of the aforementioned parking garages. If not walking over with the group after the morning workshop, Take advantage of this guide on how to enter the building and find the lunch and auditorium.

Internet | All visitors are welcome to use the SSID “Air-Pennnet Guest” for WiFi. After connecting, use a web browser to complete registration.