User Tutorials

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µCT scan setup

  1. How to set up a scan on μCT35 (PDF download) (Video download)
  2. Demo: How to set up a scan on μCT45 (Carousel version)
    (PDF download) (Video download)
    Note: If you are loading multiple sample holders, please use this Carousel version. Please load the sample holder on the carousel.
  3. Demo: How to set up a scan on μCT45 (Non-carousel version) (PDF download) (Video download)
    Note: If you are loading only 1 sample holder, please use this Non-carousel version. Please load the sample holder directly on the rotation/loading stage, NOT on the carousel.
  4. How to set up an ex vivo scan on VivaCT40 (PDF download) (Video download)
  5. How to set up an ex vivo scan on VivaCT80 (PDF download) (Video download)

µCT viewing & analysis

  1. How to use "microCT Analysis" computers (PDF download) (Video download)
  2. Tutorial for cropping, exporting, and requesting microCT images (PDF download) (Video download)
  3. Tutorial for 3D display of microCT images (PDF download) (Video download)
  4. Tutorial for cortical bone analysis (mouse tibia midshaft) (PDF download) (Video download)

Instruction Documents

  1. MicroCT Core Online Training (PPT download)
  2. Instructions for File Download, Tape Retrieval and MicroCT Sample Database (PDF download)
    MicroCT File Request Form (Excel download)
    Tape Retrieval Request Form (Excel download)
  3. Instructions for Sample Realignment /Reorientation (PDF download)
    Sample Realignment (Reorientation) Request Form (Excel download)
  4. MicroCT Troubleshooting Guide (PDF download)
  5. How to rotate the GOBJ contour (PDF download)
  6. Additional training documents

MicroCT Learning Lunch Series

  1. (Mar. 4h, 2021) MicroCT Imaging to Uncover the Internal Structural Responses of Specimens Under Mechanical Loading
  2. (Dec. 4th, 2019) Introducing our NEW µCT45 scanner featuring a 20-sample holder carousel
  3. (Jun. 13th, 2019) µCT 101: How to get the most out of your scans
  4. (Jan. 25th, 2018) µCT 101: How to get the most out of your scans
  5. (Jan. 17th, 2018) µCT 101: How to get the most out of your scans
  6. (Oct. 18th, 2017) In Vivo µCT Imaging of Rodents