Quiz Questions

Quiz #1

Match Each Construct with the Definition

1) Perceived Susceptibility a) Belief about the potential positive aspects of a health action
2) Perceived Severity b) Factors which trigger action (e,g. media)
3) Perceived Benefits c) Belief about getting a disease or condition
4) Perceived Barriers d) Belief that one can achieve the behavior required to execute the outcomes
5) Cues to Action e) Belief about the seriousness of the condition or leaving it untreated and its consequences
6) Self-Efficacy f) Belief about the potential negative aspects of a particular health action
Answers: 1) c 2) e 3) a 4) f 5) b 6) d

Quiz #2

Match the Diabetes Prevention Survey Item to HBM Construct

1) Perceived Susceptibility a) My chances of having a diabetes-related complication is high.
2) Perceived Severity b) I am sure that I can monitor my blood sugar on a daily basis.
3) Perceived Benefits c) It is serious to have high blood sugar.
4) Perceived Barriers d) It takes too much time to monitor my blood sugar every morning.
5) Cues to Action e) Monitoring my blood sugar makes diabetes easier to live with.
6) Self-Efficacy f) Hearing about diabetes though the media reminds me to take care of myself.
Answers: 1) a 2) c 3) e 4) d 5) f 6) b

Quiz Questions / Review

  • If one were developing an education intervention to prevent osteoporosis in women, what HBM construct(s) might one apply? What type of information would one be interested in gathering? Remember to apply some of the less-widely used constructs, such as cues to action.
  • If one were assessing the acceptability of a HIV counseling and testing center, what would one need to know before one implemented the service? Use an HBM framework to develop your answer.
  • What HBM constructs and measures would one use to increase mammography adherence among women over 40 years of age in county in Texas. How would one ensure that the measures were both reliable and validated?