The Academy of Master Clinicians

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Clinical excellence is one of the hallmarks of Penn Medicine and a priority of the Penn Medicine Strategic Plan. Penn Medicine clinicians are innovators and leaders in their fields. We are indebted especially to those exceptional clinicians who consistently exemplify the highest standards of patient care and professionalism. In a major initiative to recognize and celebrate their contributions while at the same time strengthening our commitment to leadership in patient care for the future, a new program, The Academy of Master Clinicians, was launched in 2013. The Academy of Master Clinicians is supported by a major philanthropic gift and institutional funding.

Mission Statement

The Academy of Master Clinicians is the highest clinical honor for a Penn Medicine physician today, and is a commitment to leadership in exceptional patient care at present and in the future. The work of the Academy is to recognize and promote clinical excellence in all entities of Penn Medicine by fostering the highest standards of patient care, with a dedication to the art of medicine, education, professionalism, humanism, collegiality, and citizenship.


The Academy of Master Clinicians at Penn Medicine was designed to honor those Penn Medicine clinicians who are recognized as consistently outstanding as a clinician. Election to The Academy of Master Clinicians is envisioned to be the highest honor to be bestowed on a Penn physician. A Master Clinician will be distinguished by a superior depth of knowledge in the field and a willingness to pursue new knowledge. A Master Clinician is recognized for excellent judgment, integrity, and exemplary interpersonal and communication skills with patients and colleagues at all levels, and as a committed and supportive team player. A Master Clinician treats all patients equally, acts as a patient advocate, and demonstrates compassion and empathy toward patients. A Master Clinician is an outstanding educator. A Master Clinician serves as a role model and mentor who exemplifies the highest levels of professionalism and positively influences the culture of Penn Medicine.


A Master Clinician will be given a one-time financial award of $7,500. The Master Clinician will work with his/her department chair and Penn Medicine leadership to review assignments and potential changes in their patient schedules to fulfill responsibilities associated with their appointment. These may include such activities as extended time per patient to allow medical students and residents to observe practical skills, attendance at professional development programs to enhance career or leadership skills, course work, and others. The Master Clinicians will meet regularly as a group throughout the academic year.

Expectations of Members of The Academy of Master Clinicians

Members of The Academy of Master Clinicians will serve as ambassadors for Penn Medicine. They will create an organized forum to provide feedback to leadership on strategies to improve the culture of clinical excellence in general and to promote the ideal patient experience in particular. They will be expected to be available as a mentor and consultant and to lead or participate in professional development/training programs for faculty, residents, trainees, students or staff. Areas of focus will include the art of medicine, communication skills, new faculty orientation/training, direct observation of clinical skills, and other topics of interest.


Active practice clinicians at all Penn Medicine entities (HUP, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Pennsylvania Hospital, Chester County Hospital, Lancaster General Hospital, Penn Medicine at Rittenhouse and Penn Primary Care and Penn Specialty Care) and including those at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center are eligible. The Academy of Master Clinicians will be comprised of physicians who have been in active clinical practice for a minimum of six years. All faculty tracks are eligible including Tenure, Clinician-Educator and Academic Clinician. Master Clinicians must have an MD or MD/PhD degree or equivalent. Department Chairs are not eligible.

Nomination Process

The nomination process will be held annually. Any Penn Medicine employee can nominate a physician for the Academy. Active practice clinicians at all Penn entities (HUP, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Pennsylvania Hospital, Chester County Hospital, Lancaster General Hospital, Princeton Medical Center, Penn Medicine at Rittenhouse and Penn Primary Care and Penn Specialty Care) and including those at CHOP and the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center are eligible with the exception of department chairs. The Academy of Master Clinicians Selection Committee, made up of past l.S. Ravdin Master Clinician Award winners, several current Master Clinicians, and others designated by the Dean will select the members of the next class.

Begin the Nomination Process

Penn Medicine Professionalism Statement

​Penn Medicine recognizes professionalism as a commitment to practicing humanistic values in the service of excellence in patient care, research, education, and civic engagement. At the individual, interpersonal, institutional, and societal levels, we express professionalism through our attitudes, behaviors, performance, and policies. Reflection, discussion, and teamwork amongst clinicians, educators, researchers, administrators, staff and students foster a collaborative culture devoted to advancing professionalism.

At the forefront of this mission is a commitment to the core humanitarian values of integrity, respect, responsibility, altruism, accountability, and empathy alongside a duty to realizing competence, scholarship and justice.

 As leaders, we hope to inspire an ethical model ensuring patient experiences of autonomy, dignity, and access to nondiscriminatory, confidential, compassionate care; research that advances knowledge, protects privacy, and strives to be free from bias and conflict of interest; and an educational framework that encourages original thought, dynamic discourse, and creative discovery.

 At all levels, in all roles, and by all practices, we strive for the highest standards of patient care, biomedical innovation, education, and civic engagement.

Please see further documentation regarding professionalism and other items of interest