Personal Statement
AC Track (Revised May 2022)
- Personal Statement Length: 1-2 Pages Maximum
The purpose of this statement is for you to help the Committees on Appointment and Promotion, the AC Advisory Committee, the Dean’s office, and the Provost’s Office understand your career path and your most significant achievements. Information provided in the Personal Statement should complement but not repeat your CV. It is your personal academic narrative.
Refer to COAP Guidelines Appendix A: Demonstrating Impact for Promotion for possible ways in which impact may be demonstrated. This document is not a checklist of necessary requirements, rather it provides examples.
Section 1: Introduction
Characterizes your career path and describe what led to your particular focus.
Section 2: Your Area of Concentration (AOC)
Describe accomplishments in your designated AOC, focusing on specific successes and innovations that have had an impact within your primary practice site, Penn Medicine, the region, or nationally as the case may be. If your AOC is related to education and is detailed in your Education Impact Statement as part of your Education Portfolio, simply designate your AOC here and indicate “See Education Impact Statement.”
Section 3: Clinical Expertise/Activities
(If not already addressed within AOC)
Section 4: Projects in Progress
Describe future directions and areas of planned expansion and growth.
Section 5: Optional Mitigating Circumstances Statement
COAP recognizes that significant events (pandemic, personal or family issues, etc.) may impact one’s academic trajectory. Some candidates will choose to incorporate such mitigating factors into their Personal Statements.
Remember the Personal Statement is your opportunity to help guide your promotion review process by clearly, but concisely, describing and emphasizing your accomplishments. Education-related accomplishments will be detailed in your Education Portfolio.