
What is the academic plan?

  • The Academic Plan is a forward-looking job description, detailing expected effort distribution across the three mission areas: research, teaching, and clinical service, as well as administrative duties when applicable.
  • All faculty on the 4 full-time tracks (Tenure, CE, Research, and AC) must have one.

When should it be reviewed? Which academic review actions require it?

  • Required for all academic reviews – Appointment, Reappointment, & Promotion
  • Should be reviewed annually and updated as needed to ensure it accurately reflects the faculty member’s responsibilities, department expectations and track guidelines
  • Part of the faculty member’s annual departmental performance review and mentoring meetings

Who creates the Plan/How is effort determined?

  • Created collaboratively (and signed) by the department chair, division chief (when applicable), education officer, and faculty member.  Mentors may be involved.
  • The distribution of effort will be aligned with expectations of faculty member’s assigned track and position.
  • It is a “living” document – as a faculty member’s career evolves, so too will the Academic Plan.
  • For new appointments, the distribution of effort on the Academic Plan will be similar to the planned effort distribution indicated on the candidate’s Request to Recruit (RTR) documentation.