Demonstration of high-quality engagement in Clinical Service might include but is not limited to:
Service on local/institutional committees in area of clinical expertise such as developing guidelines and policies for clinical management, evaluating clinical programs, etc.
Active participation in professional organizations related to clinical expertise
Invitations to share expertise through talks, book chapters, clinical reviews, etc.
Awards for contributions and/or innovation in one’s area of clinical expertise
Contribution to the development of innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease, applications of technologies and/or models of care delivery that influence care locally, such as clinical care models, practice guidelines or pathways, or innovative application of an existing technology/therapy
Demonstration of high-quality engagement in Education might include but is not limited to:
Teaching with evaluation data from TED or other source
Innovation in teaching methods or novel application of existing teaching methods
Substantive participation in committees related to education and/or mentoring
Involvement in local mentoring/advising programs, including those related to inclusion and diversity such as outreach or pipeline programs
Participation in the development of scholarly products related to education
Awards for teaching, mentoring, contributions and/or innovation related to education
Invited lectures to disseminate new knowledge related to successful education programs, interventions, curricula that have been generated by the candidate
Participation in grants or scholarship specifically related to education
Participation in the development and/or delivery of local/regional/national courses or CME program