Benoit Dube: The Curriculum Context of Small Group Teaching
(1:12) -
Benoit Dube: The JMEC Classrooms
(0:49) -
Benoit Dube: UME Students on Their Devices
(0:30) -
Benoit Dube: What am I Teaching During Small Group Sessions?
(1:29) -
Benoit Dube: What to Do While Students are in Discussion Groups
(0:31) -
Benoit Dube: Why Small Group Teaching?
(0:42) -
Carolyn Cambor: Medical Students in the First Five Months
(1:54) -
Carolyn Cambor: The Six-Module Curriculum
(0:39) -
Carolyn Cambor: Your Lecture and Curriculum Integration
(1:23) -
Carolyn Cambor: Effective Pre-Clinical Lectures
(11:42) -
Carrie Burns: Strategies for Success on the AC Track
Career Development
David Margolis: Promotions and the Complete Dossier
(2:37) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and Extramural Consultants
(7:22) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and Timelines on the Clinician Educator and Tenure Tracks
(4:09) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and Your Academic Plan
(1:15) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and Your CV
(2:26) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and Your Personal Statement
(1:16) -
David Margolis: Reappointment, Promotions, and the Educational Database
(1:56) -
Eric Goren: Effective Clinical Lectures
( 8:50) -
Eric Goren: Step One in Clinical Lecture
(1:41) -
Horace DeLisser: Team Training
(3:35) -
Jeanine Ronan: Attributes of Great Clinical Teachers
(1:32) -
Jeanine Ronan: Clinical Teaching. Prime Your Learners
(1:23) -
Jeanine Ronan: Clinical Teaching. Prioritize
(2:17) -
Jeanine Ronan: Plan for Clinical Teaching
(3:09) -
Jennifer Kogan: Be Successful in Teaching From the Start
(1:32) -
Jennifer Kogan: Effective Supervision of ALL Trainees
(1:38) -
Jennifer Kogan: Professionalism in Teaching
(1:20) -
Jennifer Kogan: Reporting Harassment and Mistreatment of Learners
(0:47) -
Jennifer Kogan: Supervising the Well Being of Clinical Trainees
(0:37) -
Jennifer Kogan: Supervision is Dynamic
(1:20) -
Jennifer Kogan: The Proper Treatment of ALL Learners
(2:08) -
Jim Callahan: Academic Clinician Committee Function
(2:30) -
Jim Callahan: Not Exceeding in all Domains
(1:16) -
Jim Callahan: Prepare for Promotion
(2:07) -
Jim Callahan: Proposed for Promotion Again
(1:52) -
Jim Callahan: Strategies for Success on the Academic Clinician Track
(5:15) -
Jim Callahan: Teaching Scores
(2:24) -
Jim Callahan: The Number 1 Question
(2:26) -
Jim Callahan: Why Does the Process Take So Long?
(1:33) -
Lisa Bellini: Emailed Teaching Evaluations
(0:38) -
Lisa Bellini: Finding Your Teaching Niche
(1:08) -
Lisa Bellini: Role of Education Officer
(2:52) -
Lisa Bellini: The Wellness Initiative Lactation Program
(8:05) -
Lisa Bellini: Tracking Your Teaching
(0:59) -
Michael Nusbaum: Introduction to Biomedical Studies and Graduate Groups
(1:46) -
Michael Nusbaum: Lab Trainees
(1:31) -
Michael Nusbaum: PhD Lab Trainees
(1:22) -
Faculty Life & Professional Development Web Site Tour
(5:33) -
Stephanie Taitano: Faculty Professional Development Update
(2:33) -
BGS Timeline
(1:44) -
Learners and Lab Rotations
(2:19) -
BGS PhD Training
(1:14) -
BGS Overview
(1:52) -
Intro to GME at HUP
(0:21) -
Accredited and Non-Accredited Programs
(1:28) -
NEXT Accreditation
(5:23) -
Clinical Learning Evaluation Program
(0:51) -
Lisa Bellini: Teaching Categories and Credits
(5:34) -
Lisa Bellini: Teaching Evaluations
(6:52) -
Lisa Bellini: Teaching Expectations
(6:26) -
Lisa Bellini: AC Appointments and Promotions
(19:53) -
Lisa Bellini: Required Documents for Promotion
(3:53) -
Lisa Bellini: Professionalism and Promotion
(0:46) -
Lisa Bellini: Selected Areas of Concentration
(2:14) -
Lisa Bellini: Promotion Criteria In-Depth
(6:44) -
Lisa Bellini: Promotion Criteria by Rank
(3:24) -
Lisa Bellini: General Principles of the Promotion Process
(2:50) -
Lisa Bellini: Promotion on the AC Track
(1:16:33) -
John Spencer: Growth v Fixed Mindset
(2:01) -
Sprouts Schools: Understand Maslow’s Hierarchy
(2:21) -
Jennifer Kogan: Effective Learning Environment: Basic Needs
(2:34) -
Jennifer Kogan: Effective Learning Environments: Psychological Needs
(2:59) -
Jennifer Kogan: Effective Learning Environments: Inclusion & Belonging