Faculty Leaves of Absence (Faculty Handbook Policy II.E.2)
Link to the Provost's website - Faculty Handbook Policy II.E.2. - Policy regarding leaves of absence, sabbaticals, and reduction in duties


  • Faculty at Associate or Full Professor ranks on the Clinician Educator, Research, or Tenure Tracks who have been on faculty for at least 6 years

Sabbatical Credits

  • Leave credits accrue at a rate of one credit per completed semester of full-time service (partial accrual during approved reduction in duties):
    • Maximum 24 credits = 1 year sabbatical
    • Credits are not accrued during sabbatical, however credit accrual will resume the semester following return.
  • Current credit accrual balance can be viewed in Workday.

Sabbatical Benefit

  • Sabbatical benefit is based on academic salary.
  • Does not include salary attributable to CPUP, administrative stipends, or any other compensation paid by an entity other than the University of Pennsylvania
  • Sabbatical benefit is paid out of University’s employee benefits pool.

Compressed Sabbaticals

  • Allows eligible faculty with CPUP/CHOPPA supplements some flexibility regarding leave time and some financial protection


  • Same as sabbatical, but the faculty leave project is carried out at Penn.
  • The stay-batical credit, benefit, and application process is the same as for the regular sabbatical

  • Faculty make a written request to Chief/Chair, Dean.
  • Leave of Absence Application is completed by the department's Business Administrator (BA); signatures required by Business Administrator and Chair.
  • The BA submits the completed form and written request to Chief/Chair to OAA, Attention Erin Rossello erinro@upenn.edu.

*Sabbaticals are subject to review and approval by Chair, Dean, and Provost