Faculty at Associate or Full Professor ranks on the Clinician Educator, Research, or Tenure Tracks who have been on faculty for at least 6 years
Sabbatical Credits
Leave credits accrue at a rate of one credit per completed semester of full-time service (partial accrual during approved reduction in duties):
Maximum 24 credits = 1 year sabbatical
Credits are not accrued during sabbatical, however credit accrual will resume the semester following return.
Current credit accrual balance can be viewed in Workday.
Sabbatical Benefit
Sabbatical benefit is based on academic salary.
Does not include salary attributable to CPUP, administrative stipends, or any other compensation paid by an entity other than the University of Pennsylvania
Sabbatical benefit is paid out of University’s employee benefits pool.
Compressed Sabbaticals
Allows eligible faculty with CPUP/CHOPPA supplements some flexibility regarding leave time and some financial protection
Same as sabbatical, but the faculty leave project is carried out at Penn.
The stay-batical credit, benefit, and application process is the same as for the regular sabbatical