Important Search Requirements

Complete before RTR Submission

  1. Prospective Faculty and Academic Support Staff must apply to an approved position in Interfolio Faculty Search
  2. Prospective Penn Medicine Clinicians (PMCs) must apply to an approved position in Work Day.
  3. National and Limited Search Guidelines must be met before a candidate can be selected (applicable only to full-time faculty tracks)
  4. Dean's Recruitment Review (RAC) is required (applicable only to Non-CHOP Recruits on the Tenure Track)
  5. CHOP Tenure Obligation Letter is required (applicable only to CHOP Recruits on the Tenure Track).
    • Required for all CHOP-based Tenure track positions.  Departments solicit this letter from CHOP leadership.
  6. CHOP Entity Review and Approval is required (applicable to all CHOP Recruits).
    • Children's Hospital of Philadelphia completes their institutional review using this form. Once CHOP approves, the department initiates an electronic request in the RTR system, attaches the approved CHOP RTR along with other standard school documentation and submits for PSOM review.
  7. CHOP requires CHOPPA review for all Tenure track positions and senior rank Clinician Educator and Research track appointments. See current guidelines for a full list of faculty that require CHOPPA review.
    • CHOPPA review is necessary for many faculty candidates, including, but not limited to, Tenure track positions and senior rank Clinician Educator and Research track faculty. See guidelines for a full list of faculty that require CHOPPA review.
  8. For non-US Citizen recruits, Visa Application must be in process with Penn Global (International Student and Scholar Services, ISSS) at the time of RTR submission.

Getting Started

An offer letter may not be sent to any candidate until it is reviewed and approved by the Office of the Dean. The Dean’s signature (or designee) is required for an approved offer letter.

Required RTR Documentation 

Faculty Track

Required Documentation

[All Entities]

Required Documentation

[CPUP Only]

Required Documentation

[CHOP Only]

Academic Clinician & Clinician Educator
  • Draft Offer Letter and Compensation Statement in PSOM standardized format
  • Candidate’s CV
Request to Recruit Form (CHOP)
  • Draft Offer Letter in PSOM standardized format
  • Candidate’s CV




Tenure (Physician Scientist)
  • Dean's Recruitment Review (RAC) [does not apply to CHOP]
  • Offer Letter and Compensation Statement in PSOM standardized format
  • Candidate’s CV
  • If CHOP-based faculty:
    • CHOPPA review in lieu of RAC review
    • CHOP Tenure Obligation Letter
Tenure (Basic Scientist)






Academic Support Staff


Required Documentation

[All Entities]

Required Documentation

[CPUP Only]

Required Documentation

[CHOP Only]

Instructor (with Clinical Obligation)

  • Draft Offer Letter in PSOM standardized format
  • Candidate’s CV






Research Associate 



Penn Medicine Clinicians


Required Documentation

[All Entities]

Required Documentation

[CPUP Only]

Required Documentation

[CHOP Only]


  • Draft Offer Letter and Compensation Statement in PSOM standardized format
  • Candidate’s CV
  • Work Day Job Requisition


Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)/RAC Review

The Office of the Executive Vice Dean and Chief Scientific Officer [EVD, CSO] of the Perelman School of Medicine must review and approve all Tenure track recruitments. An approved RAC is required for the completion of the Request to Recruit [RTR] process.

List of Department Business Administrators