Print-and-Go FEDS CV/Grant Guidelines

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CV General Information


  • CVs must be maintained in FEDS
  • FEDS is accessible via (with a pennkey)
  • Contact the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) for FEDS access rights to
    • maintain FEDS CVs on behalf of faculty members
    • create guest records/new recruits 

Check to ensure that the:

  • Dates are entered in all categories that require dates
  • Date on the CV and Grants pages are current -FEDS will print the date as the last date the CV, Grants and any other information were updated
  • CV and Grants pages have a header, including faculty name and page number
  • Degree(s) appear after the faculty member’s name on the CV and Grants

CV Content Overview

Biographical Information

  • Enter first name, last name, degree(s) and suffix
  • Enter any name changes
  • If not a US Citizen, indicate the type of Visa, or holder of Permanent Residency

Contact Information

  • Enter office address


  • List all institutions attended
  • List all degrees granted, e.g., Baccalaureate, Masters, and Doctoral degrees.
  • DO NOT list internships, residencies, fellowships, or other post-graduate training. These should be listed under “Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments.”
  • DO NOT list Honorary degrees. These should be listed under “Awards and Honors.”

Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments

  • Both Penn and non-Penn; place in chronological order
  • List dates, title, department or discipline and institution for each appointment -department should be entered as part of institution
    • Internship
    • Residency
    • Fellowship
    • Postdoctoral Research
    • Other Postgraduate Training

Military Service

List military service performed: Country, Branch, and Years of Service.


Faculty Appointments

>>> Entered in FEDS as “Penn Faculty Appointments” and “non-Penn-Med Faculty Appointments"

  • Perelman School of Medicine faculty appointments are automatically populated via the Faculty Affairs Database. Perelman School of Medicine Secondary appointments are included if appropriate documentation has been submitted to OAA
  • Faculty Appointments at Schools other than Perelman School of Medicine should be entered into FEDS in “non-Penn Med Faculty appointments.” These appointments will print in this section of the CV.
  • Academic Support Staff positions such as Instructor, Lecturer, or Research Associate should be listed in “Penn Other Appointments and Professional Positions.” However, these appointments will print in this section of the CV and it is okay to leave them here.

UPENN Hospital and Administrative Positions

>>> Entered in FEDS under “Penn Other Appointments and Professional Positions”

  • List any other professional positions (past or present) held at Penn, including:
    • Dean, Chair, Director
    • Hospital, academic, or administrative positions at any UPHS Hospital, CHOP, any other Penn-affiliated medical center
  • Graduate Group, Center, or Institute affiliations (These will print in the “Other Appointments”section of the CV)
  • Academic Support Staff positions such as: Instructor, Research Associate, Lecturer, Clinical Associate

Non-Penn Other Appointments and Professional Positions

>>> Entered in FEDS under “Non-Penn Other Appointments and Professional Positions”

List any other professional positions (past or present) held at OTHER institutions, including:

  • Dean, Chair, Director
  • Other hospital, academic, or administrative positions
  • Graduate Group, Center, or Institute affiliations. (These will print in the “Other Appointments” section of the CV.)
  • Other relevant positions

Other Appointments

This is not a FEDS data entry category; however, Graduate Group, Center, or Institute affiliations will print in this section. 

Specialty Certification

  • List all certifications you hold in your in specialty
  • DO NOT list professional licenses. These should be listed under “Licensure.”


  • List all professional licenses, current and past
  • DO NOT enter License IDs

Awards, Honors and Memberships in Honorary Societies

List any professional awards, honors, or memberships in honorary societies. Identify the awarding institution and date awarded. These can include:

  • Awards for teaching, research, or clinical care
  • External recognition of effort or expertise
  • Elections to honorific scientific or academic organizations
  • Honorary degrees

Memberships in Professional & Scientific Societies and Other Professional Activities

List all memberships in professional and scientific societies, and other professional positions and identify role. If specific offices were held or committees were participated in, indicate applicable titles and years. Do not use discipline-specific acronyms. Provide dates of involvement (start and end date). These can include:

  • Participation and/or leadership (elected or appointed) in Study Sections (e.g., NIH)
  • Participation in grant application reviews
  • Scientific Councils
  • Advisory Committees and Boards
  • Consultant Relationships
  • DO NOT lists honorific memberships. These should be listed in “Awards and Honors.”

Editorial & Journal Positions

List all journal editorial positions, including journals for which manuscript peer review is provided

  • Role (editor, co-editor or reviewer, etc.) must be included
  • Provide dates of involvement (start and end dates) and complete title of publication
  • DO NOT list study sections or grant reviewer positions here. These items should be listed under “Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies and Other Professional Activities.”
  • DO NOT list Editorships of textbooks. These should be listed under “Publications”

Academic and Institutional Committees

Enter academic or home institution committee service

  • Include role, if applicable
  • Provide start and end dates of involvement
  • DO NOT list professional organizations or other memberships. Those should be listed under “Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies and Other Professional Activities.”

Major Academic and Clinical Teaching Responsibilities

List significant academic and clinical teaching responsibilities at the University of Pennsylvania or at previous institutions. Provide dates, frequency throughout the year, course titles, and lecture topics. These can include:

  • Courses or lectures
  • Grand Rounds and lectures to students, residents, departments or centers other than your own department, but within your home institution (i.e., UPenn)
  • May include names of mentees
  • Leadership roles such as course director and Education Officer
  • DO NOT list academic appointments or administrative titles. These should be listed under appointments.

Lectures by Invitation

List dates, titles and locations of lectures given outside home institution

  • List only those in the last 5 years
  • For future events - Only include events for which your attendance has been scheduled and confirmed. DO NOT include invitations you did not accept.
  • Talks presented by you as a result of an abstract accepted for a platform presentation at a meeting may be entered here
  • DO NOT list Grand Rounds and lectures to students and residents conducted outside home department, but still within home institution. These should be listed in “Major Academic & Clinical Teaching Responsibilities.”

Organizing Roles in Scientific Meetings

List all organizing roles held in professional or scientific society meetings, symposia, or workshops. 

  • Identify location and date of event
  • DO NOT list Study Sections here (e.g., NIH). List Study Sections under “Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies and Other Professional Activities.”

Roles can include:

  • Chairperson
  • Co-chair
  • Moderator
  • Planning committee member


General Information for Bibliography Entries

  • Publications from Medline, EndNote and ISI and PubMed may be imported
  • List only publications that are “in press” or “accepted for publication”
  • DO NOT list publications that are “submitted” or “in review”
  • DO NOT use “et al.” in Bibliography – must list all authors
  • DO NOT enter duplicates – review carefully before submission 

  • Following official publication, articles previously indicated as “e-pub ahead of print,” “accepted,” or “in press” should be updated with full citation, replacing the prior citation.

List all sections of Bibliography (If there are NO entries, list NONE) and Sub-sections of Bibliography

Research Publications, peer-reviewed

Hypothesis-driven research reports that usually include data analysis. These reports represent the author's primary, original, research that was peer-reviewed regardless of word limit.

  • Note: Articles published in pre-print servers like bioRxiv and medRxiv should be listed in the “Research Publications, non-peer reviewed” category. Such articles are considered preliminary reports and have not been peer-reviewed yet. The expectation is that a report will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication in the future.
Research Publications, peer-reviewed reviews

Reviews or summaries of the scientific literature in a specific research area. These reports often present a balanced, comprehensive summary or “scholarly review” of current developments. These manuscripts are peer-reviewed.

Contributions to peer-reviewed research publications, participation cited but not by authorship. 

Reports that credit the participation - e.g. as a participating investigator of a large multi-center study, but do not credit all participants as an author.

Research Publications, non-peer reviewed. 

For research articles which have not undergone a peer-review process. Articles published in pre-print servers like bioRxiv and medRxiv are included here.


The report itself is an abstract - usually a shortened version of a full research report that will be submitted for publication in the future. Abstracts may be documentation of a poster presentation at an academic meeting.

Reports, Editorials, Chapters and other scholarly output. 

Editorials, Commentaries, Case Reports, Case Studies, Meeting Reports, Consensus Reports, white papers, final publicly available project summaries, technical briefs as well as data resources and downloadable materials (print or other electronic media and any other publication that are not described in any other section). Many but not all of these publications are peer-reviewed but peer-review is not required. (other forms of academic output may be acceptable but should be approved by OAA prior to reporting in the cv).

Examples Include

  • Editorials: Short articles often invited and often written by members of journal’s editorial board on topical issues in the field.

  • Commentaries: Opinion piece on a contemporary issue or a recently publication. Commentaries are often invited.

  • Case Reports and Case Series: Reports of clinical cases that describe a diagnostic or therapeutic dilemma, suggest an association, or present an important adverse outcome. These reports often include a review of all previous cases in the field. These reports are often important for hypothesis generation but seldom are designed to confirm or refute a hypothesis (i.e., not hypothesis-driven).

  • Case Studies: Articles include rigorous assessment of major healthcare process or intervention, its impact and recommendations for future interventions.

  • Chapters: Chapters or sections contributed to larger textbooks or collections.

  • Conference Proceedings: Description or record of the events of a scientific conference, symposium or meeting attended. May include key developments presented or discussed. These do not include conference proceedings that are thoroughly peer reviewed such as is common in informatics, engineering, and computational sciences. The reporting of these proceeding publications should be considered under peer reviewed research

  • Research Reports and Reviews commissioned by Federal Agencies or Foundations: These include authorship on reports of federally-directed research, reviews and policy documents for any Federal agency either directly or via the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; as well as research, reviews and policy documents commissioned by private Foundations. These citations should include sufficient information to allow retrieval of the resource

  • White papers and Technical reports: Reports that have not been formally published but are important contributions to scholarly exchanges. Examples of this type of communication can be found in bioRxiv as well as scholarly communications made available by faculty on academic web sites. These citations should include sufficient information to allow retrieval of the resource, such as an active url.

  • Downloadable resources: These could include publicly available datasets or computer programs. These citations should include sufficient information to allow retrieval of the resource, such as an active url

Other CV Bibliography Sections


Include here book titles which you have authored or edited, not chapters which have been contributed

Alternative media

Non-peer reviewed contributions to alternative communication formats, such as: instructional audio or video tapes, educational material via internet, articles and interviews in the lay press (e.g., newspapers, television, and radio)


List all patents you hold, co-hold, or have registered with the US Patent Office or other national patent service

Peer Review

The process by which submitted manuscripts are reviewed by recognized experts (chosen by the journal and not part of the editorial staff of the journal) in a given field. Article acceptance is contingent upon an assessment of scientific excellence and relevance.

Note: No single definitive list of all peer-reviewed publications exists, although most of the journals in PubMed are peer-reviewed or refereed, meaning that their original articles are reviewed by non-editorial staff of the journal before being accepted for publication.  See Biomedical Library staff for assistance. 

Grants Pages

Note: Grant information from PENN ERA can be downloaded into FEDS

  • Current date (month/day/year) must be on ALL Grants pages
  • Heading should have faculty name, degree and page number
  • Role in grant must be clearly identified – PI, MPI, site-PI, Co-I, key personnel etc.
    • If MPI – identify Contact PI in “Additional Comments” section
    • Note: NIH no longer uses role of “Co-PI”
  • Period of Award - must include both start date and end date (month/date/year). Ensure the period of award dates agree with the correct grants page.  Grants pages must be in the following sequence, as required by the “John Doe” format:
    • Past
    • Current
    • Pending
  • All pages should be filled in.
  • If there are NO entries, list NONE
  • All grants on which a faculty member is working, even if not their own, must be included. The funding source and their role in the grant must be listed. Role can include “key personnel”. The PI should be identified in the “additional comments” section.
  • Name of Grant should also include the Grant Sponsor Number (e.g. 1 R01 CA 123456-01A1). Additionally, in FEDS, there is a separate "Grant Sponsor Number" field - enter in both.
  • Period of Award - must include both start date and end date (month/date/year). Ensure the period of award dates agree with the correct grants page
  • Percentage Effort - Must be entered on all grants.
    • On Current Grants, the total % effort cannot equal or exceed 100%.
    • If % is “0” – brief explanation must be provided in “Additional Comments”
  • On Current Grants, the total % effort must be less than 100%
  • Annual Direct Costs to Penn must be provided
  • Pending Grants Page - If grant has already been reviewed, you may provide percentile score, or if not provided, priority score, under “Additional Comments.” If necessary add “Effort will be adjusted accordingly” under “Additional Comments.”