Faculty searches must be conducted in accordance with the University of Pennsylvania’s Affirmative Action Guidelines and the procedures and policies of the Perelman School of Medicine.  Departments are required to conduct either a National (R, CE, or T) or Limited  (AC) search depending upon the track.

Searches should be sufficiently broad. Efforts to attract candidates who contribute to the diversity of the faculty should be demonstrated. Departments should ensure that full and fair consideration has been given to all candidates, including women and minorities.

To help facilitate advertising efforts the University has partnered with Job Elephant and Interfolio to advertise all full-time faculty positions at the time of posting in a selection of academic and diversity journals. In order to attract a sufficiently broad and diverse pool of highly qualified candidates, additional advertising is required for National Searches and highly recommended for Limited Searches.

The Diversity Search Advisor (DSA) may require additional outreach efforts should they determine that a candidate pool is not sufficiently broad


Outreach and advertising play a critical role in expanding and diversifying candidate pools and increases a department’s ability to attract greater numbers of highly qualified candidates. It is highly recommended that departments pursue additional efforts beyond the minimum outlined in PSOM guidelines. Below are a few of the ways departments can expand outreach efforts.  Outreach and advertising should be documented as part of the search record. 

  • Departments may use media placement agencies to facilitate efforts of placing faculty postings in a variety of media outlets.  Job Elephant and Articus are examples of Penn approved vendors who specialize in media placement.  
  • Post positions on professional job boards and listservs that are specific to the field, including outlets targeted to underrepresented groups.
  • Contact PSOM's Office of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (OIDE) in PSOM. OIDE can assist with identifying women and minorities working in a specific field, helping to expand and diversify your pool of potential candidates. Contact Corrie Fahl for more information fahlc@upenn.edu.
  • Distribute and publicize your open positions with program directors and chairs from other academic institutions via a national search letter from your department or search committee chair. To help meet the goal of reaching a large and diverse candidate pool, send solicitations to multiple institutions not just top tier institutions. 
  • Use existing networks to obtain a referral or circulate postings.
    • Colleagues in other institutions
    • Faculty within the department
  • Distribute postings to internal trainees.
  • Identify organizations that represent women, minority, and other under-represented groups in the field. Distribute and publicize your open positions with them. Build ongoing connections with those organizations.
  • Network and distribute postings at national conferences.

Minimum Posting Period 
Must be posted on the UPenn Faculty Job Board a minimum of 60 days before a preferred candidate may be selected by the search committee.

Once a position posting for a National Search goes live on the UPenn Faculty Job Board, departments are required to place an ad in at least two additional locations likely to reach a national audience. Departments are encouraged to post additional advertising as close to the original Job Board posting date as possible. 

  • Automated advertising through Job Elephant meets one of these requirements.
  • Departments are required to place at least 1 additional posting in a professional journal (electronic or print) or posting on a national society’s job board.  Must be specific to the field. The posting must remain in place for at least 30 days. Social media posts will not satisfy this requirement, though they can be helpful when doing additional outreach. 
  • Additional advertising is highly recommended.
  • Copies of additional advertisements must be retained as part of the search documentation.
Additional Outreach
  • Highly recommended. Important in obtaining a national candidate pool. See below for suggestions.
  • Additional outreach efforts may be required should DSA determine the candidate pool is not sufficiently broad.
  • Outreach efforts should be documented as part of search records.


Minimum Posting Period 
Must be posted on the UPenn Faculty Job Board a minimum of 30 days before a preferred candidate may be selected by the search committee.

Once a position posting for a Limited Search goes live on the UPenn Faculty Job Board, no additional advertising is required. 

  • Automated advertising through Job Elephant meets the minimum requirement.
  • Additional advertising is highly recommended.
  • Copies of additional advertisements must be retained as part of the search documentation.
Additional Outreach
  • Highly recommended. See below for suggestions.
  • Additional outreach efforts may be required should DSA determine the candidate pool is not sufficiently broad.
  • Outreach efforts should be documented as part of search records.